Self-love and Self- acceptance are important foundational aspects to having a healthy psyche, and yet, the most difficult abilities to keep up with. Without being able to care and accept yourself as you truly are – with all your beautiful and unique traits and flaws, it’s hard to develop meaningful relationships with others. You may find yourself judging your own actions unfairly, blaming yourself for things that you have no control over, or questioning your own beliefs and values when challenged.
Self-Love Tarot Spread
1. How do I see myself?
2. Why don’t I prioritize my own needs?
3. How can I show myself I am worthy?
4. Why am I feeling bad about myself?
5. How can I be more authentic?
6. Is there something I need to let go off?
7. Is there something I need to acknowledge?
8. A message from spirit guides
9. A message from your angel
10. A virtue or mantra message to practice
When dealing with a divorce or break-up we must be careful not to let pain consume us. We need to think about what we can learn and how we move forward. I put this spread together to give you as much insight as possible. We can even use this experience as an opportunity to grow. It’s important to stay grounded during these tougher moments of our life.
1. Why did my marriage fall apart?
2. What lessons do I need to learn?
3. What positives can I take from this experience?
4. What actions do I need to take to move forward?
5. How do I heal my broken heart?
6. How do I stop my mind from having regretful thoughts?
7. What will help my soul to heal?
8. How do I rebuild my life?
9. What will help ground me?
10. How to I stop myself from self-sabotage behaviors?
This is an in-depth, 15-card spread that will provide a person with clarity on dating or for a newly married couple.
The cards will clarify:
1. The past energy of the relationship
2. The current energy of the relationship
3. Your current feelings
4. Your partner’s current feelings
5. Hopes present
6. Fears present
7. Positive energies within the relationship
8. Negative energies within the relationship
9. What the couple should aim for
10. What the couple should avoid
11. External factors influencing the relationship
12. How other people impact the relationship
Actions that the couple (either individually or together) should take
1. Unknown factors influencing the relationship
2. The possible future outcome of the relationship?
Notable Media Features of Celeste London
Celeste London has spoken on Rogers Cable, The Nikki Clarke Show, Regent Radio, Toronto Caribbean, Here2Help, GBKFM, and Canada International Black Women Event Panel about holistic hormone health, and Self-Love . Self-Love Tarot Coaching is a new dynamic she is introducing into the business market. Celeste London has also spoken to various non-for-profit organizations like Tropicana, and Taibu etc. She has also shared the stage with one of North Americas Best speakers: Loren Michael Harris.
Hire Celeste As Your Next Self-Love Tarot Coach.
Are you are looking for a motivational, Inspirational speaker, about self-love with tarot or empathic women breaking free from toxic codependent relationships? I am the lady for the job.