How to Balance your hormones in a Digital World

How to Balance your hormones in a Digital World

Hormones are chemical messengers that plays a significant role in controlling your mental health, physical health, emotional health, appetite, weight, mood and other things.


Your endocrine glands normally produce the exact amount of every hormone required for different processes in your body.


Still, hormone imbalances have become common in today’s rapidly changing digital world. Also, some hormones reduce with age and some people go through a more spectacular decline than others.


Luckily, eating nutritious diet and other healthy lifestyle choices may help boost your hormone health and allow you to perform your best.


In this article, i will reveal how you can balance your hormones in a digital world.


  1. Consume Sufficient Amount of Protein During Meals

Eating sufficient amount of protein is very important. Protein supplies the necessary amino acids that your body can’t provide on its own and must be eaten daily in order to maintain skin health, bone and muscle. Also, it triggers the release of hormones that control food intake and appetite.


Studies have shown that eating protein reduces the “hunger hormone” levels (ghrelin) and accelerates the release of hormones that help you feel satisfied.


Experts suggest eating a minimum of 20–30 grams of protein per meal to balance hormone health. And, this is easy to achieve by adding high-protein foods during each meal.


  1. Engage in Exercise

Doing exercises such as aerobics, walking, strength training or other forms of exercise can help to change your levels of hormone such that it reduces the risk of disease and safeguards your muscle mass during the aging process.


  1. Reduce Your Consumption of Refined Carbs and Sugar

Consuming lots of sugar and refined carbs have been connected to a number of health challenges. Foods high in sugar and refined carbs have been known to cause insulin resistance. Minimizing the intake of carbs and sugar may reduce insulin levels and increase the sensitivity of insulin.


Indeed, minimizing the intake of sugar and refined carbs may be instrumental in balancing hormone function and keeping off obesity, diabetes and other diseases.


  1. Engage in Stress Reducing Activities

Stress can cause needless disturbance on your hormones. Cortisol and adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, are two major hormones affected by stress.


When you engage in stress-reduction activities like massage, yoga, meditation and listening to cool and soothing music. It can help to balance your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.


  1. Include Healthy Fats in Your Diet.

When high-quality, healthy natural fats are added to your diet and you reduce the consumption of unhealthy trans fats. It can help to lessen insulin resistance and stimulate the release of hormones that help manage your appetite.


To balance your hormone health, recent studies have shown that consuming healthy fat during each meal triggers the release of hormones that help you feel satisfied.


  1. Get Regular, High-Quality Sleep

Irrespective of how nutritious your diet is and how much exercise you engage in, your health will suffer if you don’t get enough sleep.


Inadequate sleep has been linked to imbalances of hormones like insulin, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin and growth hormone.


Moreover, what matters is the quality of sleep you get, not the quantity of sleep.


Your brain needs uninterrupted sleep that allows it to pass all five stages of each sleep cycle. This is necessary for the release of growth hormone, which occurs mainly at night during deep sleep.


To maintain optimal hormone balance, you should have high-quality sleep for at least seven hours every night.


Celeste London is a Holistic Hormone Nutritionist who teaches women how to use food to balance female hormones. If you’ll like to learn how to use food to balance female hormones. You can book a consultation with here – 


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